
Wine Writing Is Dead

Karen MacNeil gives lecture on the question of where are all the wine journalists and is wine journalism dead. As a fiction writer I’ve known for many years fiction writing about wine has been in huge decline but is it dead?

No Connection

One Mixed Race Man’s to Africa from America I am traveling to Africa, specifically Kenya, for the first time at the age of 46. As a Black American rustling with the history of slavery, current relations of Africans with their United States counterparts, nature, and tourism, I have many questions about this visit. When firstContinue reading “No Connection”

‘The Mixed-Race Experience’s Naomi & Natalie Evans On Texturism, Beauty, & Belonging

The sisters and founders of @everydayracism reflect on how the internet changed the relationship they have with their hair for the better. — Read on http://www.bustle.com/style/the-mixed-race-experience-naomi-natalie-evans-interview-texturism-beauty-belonging

Passing is not just a ‘Black Thing’

http://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRUyJp8t/ In search of diversity and representation in the media we consume it may have seemed like we are battling from a non existent pass but Hollywood has always had diversification, but did it just keep it hidden? What roles do the actors themselves have in representing diversification? Why does diversification even matter? As aContinue reading “Passing is not just a ‘Black Thing’”

When You Don’t ‘Look Black’

http://www.audible.com/pd Great podcast episode that presents the stories of two women Passing for white. Anita Florence Hemmings the first Black Women to Graduate from Vasser College and another young lady graduating from college who comes out her senior year.

Why Don’t We Teach Men To Sit Down To Pee?

Masculinity has nothing to do with the color of your skin or how you go to the bathroom. Rather, how you treat yourself, your significant other, your children, friends, and your family proves more of your manhood than any patriarchy litmus test of color.